The Castle Development Project
Duration: 09.2019–12.2023
Funding source: European Regional Development Fund
Budget (€): total cost is 5,933,995.36. The budget of the Narva Museum is 4 262 091.52, of which the EU support 3 697 790.60
Press Release Pavel Rotts Opens a Public Installation in Narva Castle Park
Duration: 14.06.2024-
Funding source: Finnish Cultural Foundation, Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Narva Art Residency, Narva Museum
Project “Narva Wooden Baroque”
Duration: 20.09.2023 -31.10.2023
Funding source: Cultural Endowment of Estonia
Partners: Estonian Academy of Arts, Pallas University of Applied Sciences, NART
Budget (€): The Cultural Endowment of Estonia supported the project with an amount of 3,000€. The project was also supported by our partners.
PATTERNS: Erasmus+ Project
Duration: 03.01.2022 - 03.01.2024
Funding source: Erasmus+
Budget (€): 60 000