PATTERNS! is an ERASMUS+ project between Romanian, Polish, Estonian and Finnish cultural heritage organization and foundations. During this project these partner institutions and non-governmental organizations will learn about the methods of conducting educational activities with their partners. They will share knowledge and learn about good practices of education and popularization of art and textile heritage and using online tools, which in crises such as the current pandemic are essential for reaching out to the community.

The project will look at the differences and similarities in fabric design in the period of the second half of the 20th century in different parts of Europe. Inhabitants of the cities where the partner institutions come from will be able to connect with the wider European cultural, industrial and textile heritage of the 20th century as well as with the local history through the partner institutions and organizations.

During this project the partner organizations will visit each other to network and strengthen the international connections and cooperation between our cultural heritage organizations.We are planning to develop know-how, collegial cohesion, and an increase of expertise in the field of European textile production traditions. The ultimate goal is to strengthen the collection and digital practices of textile museums and to create a discussion platform on which to collaborate.

The project is attended by:

  • Fundacja Dom from Bialystok, Poland
  • Comunitatea Armana din Romania - filiala Bucuresti from Bucharest, Romania
  • Galeria im. Sleńdzińskich from Bialystok, Poland
  • Forssa museum from Forssa, Finland
  • SA Narva Muuseum, from Narva, Estonia


Białystok, Poland(

On 16-20. March, employees of Narva Museum visited Poland as part of the ERASMUS+ project, where they studied the national textile heritage. The Polish colleagues told about the history of Fasty fabrics, introduced the unique collection of homespun carpets in Hajnówka, and invited participants to the Supraśl High School of Art, where creative talents are being born. Participants were able to express themselves in exciting workshops on applying patterns to fabrics, composing drawings with backgrounds and modern tie-dye techniques.

Museum workers from Romania, Poland, Finland and Estonia shared their experience in preserving and maintaining the textile heritage of their countries, finding much in common both in the global history of the textile industry and in amazing small details: the similarity of national patterns, drawing methods, hand-woven carpet weaving techniques. Everything seen and heard gives hope that almost forgotten or partially lost textile traditions are gradually coming back into fashion, and interest towards the history of own roots is attracting more and more attention, causing respect for the national cultural heritage.


Bucharest, Romania (27.-31.10.2022)

Bucharest, Romania (27.-31.10.2022)

On 27.-31. of October, Narva Museum workers visited their partners from Comunitatea Armana din Romania - filiala Bucuresti in Bucharest as part of the “PATTERNS” ERASMUS+ project. During the visit, project participants got acquainted with the work of Aromunian cultural community of Bucharest, got to participate in artistic workshops with aromunian patterns, study beautiful national costumes and belts, learned about several digitaal campaigns including „Bihor not Dior“ that Aromunian community was involved in, visited beautiful community and public space in “Scoala de la Piscu” and the oldest house in Bucharest. Participants also got to enjoy and appreciate the multicultural and historically multilayered city of Bucharest. Project partners got to meet each other in the informal atmosphere and to share their experiences in preserving and popularisation of the textile heritage.


Białystok, Poland (08.-11.05.2023)

Białystok, Poland (08.-11.05.2023)

Narva Museum is an organization that not only preserves antiquities, but also seeks ways for inspiration and development. One such way is the Erasmus+ Patterns project, which has been running for two years in cooperation with our partners from Poland, Finland and Romania. During this time, our colleagues managed to meet with partners several times, see the beautiful cities of the participating countries, listen to useful reports and take part in educational master classes. In May, our colleagues, together with project partners, visited the city of Bialystok, which used to be the center of the textile industry in Poland. Much of what they saw reminded of our Krenholm. During the meeting, the project participants got acquainted with the work of several galleries of the city and the multinational culture of Bialystok, visited the Polish Tatar mosque in the vicinity. The organizers provided an opportunity to get acquainted with the ancient techniques of weaving national patterns, the products of the Fasty textile factory and visit the territory of the no longer working factory, as well as independently make a pattern and print it on fabric using a press. And, of course, all these days there was an opportunity to admire the beauties of the beautiful city of Bialystok! Inspired by excursions and master classes, we hope to bring a fresh look and new interesting ideas to the services.