Historical blog

Today, on Mother's Day, we invite you to look into the past.

Specifically, we would like to introduce you to an article from the Narva newspaper "Põhja Kodu," which was published for this holiday over 90 years ago, on May 7, 1932.

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KRENGOLM: The Unknown Past of "Crow Island"

The history of Krengolm Island, known in the distant past as Krokeholm or Crow Island (from Old Swedish), is rich with mystical renamings and significant events.

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Bombing of Narva in March 1944

At the beginning of 1944, Narva found itself at the epicenter of fierce battles of the Second World War. The Red Army was advancing to the west, pushing back the Wehrmacht forces.

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Hans Ots

This year marks the 185th anniversary of the birth of Hans Ots, who was the father of the renowned opera singer Karl Ots and the grandfather of the distinguished Estonian singer Georg Ots. Hans Ots was born on December 2 (according to the new style calendar) in 1838 in Tartu County. He completed the parish school in Laiuse, where his father was a teacher.

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Eduard Dieckhoff.

In 1925, a small book titled "Brief Historical Information about the City of Narva" was printed at the printing house of A. Grigoryev's heirs in Narva. The book, published in Estonian, German, and Russian, contains a chronological list of major historical events spanning from 1256 to 1920.

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Beautiful and attractive caskets have been delighting us with their variety since ancient times. They adorn our homes and are intended for storing jewelry or various small items.

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Narva Haigla  

SA Narva Haigla  juubelinäituse „110 aastat Narva meditsiini teenistuses“ ettevalmistamisel õnnestus muuseumil täiendada seniseid teadmisi Narva kiirabi ajaloost. 
Sõdadevahelises Eestis oli 24. veebruaril 1919. aastal asutatud Eesti Punane Rist põhiline esmaabi andja. Selle initsiatiivil ja ettepanekul avas Narva linnavalitsus 1. mail 1921. aastal Narva linnahaigla juures linna esimese „kiire abi andmise punkti“ ehk tänapäevases mõistes kiirabi.

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Vanalinna State School

The beginning of summer is a responsible and exciting time for schoolchildren. Some are looking forward to vacation, while others are preparing to bid farewell to their beloved school. Generations of students in Narva remember the ancient walls of the Vanalinna State School building!

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The Embankment of the Narva River

Today, a memorial plaque was solemnly unveiled on the embankment of the Narva River commemorating the first concrete structure in Estonia - the Narva Road Bridge. Built between 1822 and 1829, the bridge, which can be seen in many pre-war paintings and photographs, was blown up by the Red Army in 1941. It was temporarily repaired but again destroyed in 1944, only to be reconstructed in 1945.

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The Church of St. John

Churches have been an integral part of Narva's cityscape since ancient times. Built at different times and in various architectural styles, they gave the city a special character. By the mid-17th century, Narva became one of the main religious centers of the Swedish possessions in the Baltic region. At that time, the Cathedral was built on Viru Street in the historic center of the city for the Swedish community. In 1645, even before its completion, the Swedish government approved the church as the Royal Cathedral. Besides its main purpose, the church also became a burial place for the richest and most influential residents of the city, who were buried inside the church.

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Sky Giants

Dirigibles, also known as airships, continue to capture the imagination of people to this day. Since the beginning of their history, they have drawn attention as marvelous and powerful machines capable of taking flight. Their impressive size, distinctive appearance, and ability to fly at high altitudes have always inspired awe.

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The Gan Staircase

The Narva Museum continues to introduce us to the history of the most remarkable architectural landmarks of Narva. Today, we focus on the monumental and austere Gan Staircase, which can confidently be counted among the symbols of our city.

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