The Transfiguration Cathedral

The architecture of Old Town Narva was so distinctive that pre-war Narva print shops produced New Year's greeting cards featuring the city's historic buildings. Among these was a card depicting Narva's oldest church, the Transfiguration Cathedral, highlighting the architectural and historical significance of the city's landmarks.

The history of the Transfiguration Cathedral in Narva is deeply intertwined with the city's fate, mirroring its tumultuous past. Originally constructed as a Catholic church dedicated to the Holy Virgin Mary in the 15th century, it underwent numerous reconstructions due to fires. In the 16th and 17th centuries, it served as a burial site for the city's elite. The church was consecrated twice: as a Protestant church in the 16th century and as an Orthodox church in the early 18th century, featuring a 17th-century Crucifixion and a unique wooden iconostasis.

The history of the Transfiguration Cathedral, like many of Narva's historic buildings, was tragically cut short after World War II when the ruins of the destroyed city were demolished. The Narva Museum holds postcards showcasing the cathedral, and Sergey Zotikov's work offers a glimpse into Old Narva through 3D visualizations, illustrating the city's architectural heritage and the cathedral's significance before its destruction.

