30.05.2024 / Art gallery

Event overview

The Narva Museum presents a new exhibition titled “A Corner of the Park. A Long-Awaited Meeting,” offering an opportunity to acquaint yourself with rare and valuable items preserved in the Narva Museum and its predecessor museums from the mid-19th century until World War II.

The exhibition features over 160 artifacts brought from different parts of the world. Visitors can see works by masters from Italy, Britain, Ukraine, China, Japan, the Russian Empire, and the Republic of Estonia. Each item has its own history, but all these paintings, sculptures, and household items survived World War II and have returned home to the Narva Museum.

Some of the exhibits are being displayed for the first time in many decades. Among the collection’s highlights are the paintings by renowned Narva artists Aleksander Normak and Ardo Sivadi, as well as works by famous artists such as Ivan Aivazovsky and Ivan Shishkin.

A special place in the exhibition is occupied by the Gardener porcelain figurine collection, the largest in Estonia. A little-known fact is that the Gardener figurines in the collections of the Art Museum of Estonia and the Tallinn City Museum originated from the Narva collection.

The exhibition includes not only items collected by the museum but also valuable artifacts donated by city residents. One such donor was Aleksei Osipov, whose curiosity enabled the Narva Museum to acquire a unique Asian collection for Estonia.

Visitors to the exhibition will not only enjoy beautiful works of art but also learn fascinating stories about the exhibits and details from the lives of their creators and collectors.

The exhibition will be open from May 30th. The exhibition project was implemented with the support of the Eesti Kultuurkapital foundation.

  • Curators: Andrei Kormašov, Orest Kormašov
  • Design and graphic design: Andrei Kormašov
  • Project manager: Anne Raud
  • Exhibition team: Zurab Jänes, Galina Smirnova, Irina Koževina, Maria Smorževskihh-Smirnova, Deniss Zimin, Konstantin Zakhodyaev, Vasily Bandurin
  • Proofreader: Kristiina Sarjas
  • Translation: Anastassia Belitško-Popovych
  • Text: Orest Kormašov, Zurab Jänes